FireFox Support
FireFox Support
I noticed that there are 'download all with freedownloadmanager" options while using IE. Is there any way of having this show up in Firefox?
Yeah I would like to see this too. I have FDM set up to display in the right click context menu in IE. I don't have it "catching" certain file types in IE. This way FDM only launches when I tell it too, for specific files. Unfortunatley there is no right click context menu in firefox. This option needs to be added to FDM, if this is possible.
The last time I tried downloadwith plugin it just allowed the passing of one url to FDM not option to download all links in page. Is this still the case? If so, that is exactly what FDM integration already does natively without the help downloadwith.
Please correct me if I'm wrong. I'd love to be able to click a download all links in firefox.
Please correct me if I'm wrong. I'd love to be able to click a download all links in firefox.
not likely it will happen unless firefox gets a special extention written for use with fdm. atleast thats the only way i can think of for hooking fdm specific option into the firefox menus. reason for this is that firefox is written to be os agnostic. therefor it cant have hooks for windows apps to hook into like ie have...
Firefox full support is ready.
FlashGot 0.3.6 integrates Firefox & Free Download Manager, with
"download all" and "download selection"
Happy downloads!
"download all" and "download selection"
Happy downloads!
hmm, can flashgot do the trick that downloadwith does and integrate as a option in the firefox download system? sometimes a page fires of a download via a javascript timer or similar without giving a link and then its nice being able to pick a option the normal firefox dialog and have the url transferd to fdm or similar...
Mighty FlashGot
hobgoblin wrote:hmm, can flashgot do the trick that downloadwith does and integrate as a option in the firefox download system?
Obviously yes
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