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Automatical Update / Silence update / Called Update-Che.Upd.

Moderators: Usher, Alex

Posts: 53
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Automatical Update / Silence update / Called Update-Che.Upd.

Postby Blackcrack » Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:35 pm

Hy Alex,

humm....... it is a long time were u had programming
Free download Manager and ever it is called.. were is
the next update who i can download blabla and
when it is .. blabla

hey, why did you not integrate an updater... with 3 options
silence, Called and Called automatical download and install..
so you can every faster be as other downloadermanager for
actualisation and the users have a better night more who easily
funtions it on the Browsers.. (silens update only the plugin for firefox and so on... )
and the forum is not so offen called for..
"why dont funtion my Downloader on Firefox" wäh wäh wäh and so on..
it s easy.. add an updater were pdate single files or the direcktly
folder of FDM .. it is easy, ay file have a version ad if one file newer as the
one on the users dir so can atomatical download and the Tarrific it is
not so high like every download the fully setupfile.

only a single fdlupdater.exe (insideexe /folder:.\)
/silence #call
/passive #call
/automatical /silence #without call
/automatical /passive #without call

and this file can add as reminder fdlupdater.exe+fdlupdater.ini every week,
every day and so on.. and maby add possibility other programms to this reminder too ;)

so do you have a possibility to have a generalupdate with a setup.exe or update all files
or only singlefiles.. with the background of smaller tarrific

with the fdmupdftpswitch.txt can you say, wich ftp to use with direcktory check
or ther.. to say, this is a versionsjump or other with fdmupdftpswitch.txt

Code: Select all

switches : /S /update
news: " Hy, this is a silence Update for full Programm"
switches : /check /update
news: " this is a update for %Files% of FDM"
if files %file% "Version" > %version% goto setupfile

if files %file% "Version" < %version% goto fileupdate

switches : /S /update
news: " Hy, this is a silence Update for full Programm"

goto end

switches : /check /update
news: " this is a update for %Files% of FDM"

news : "You have sussefully Upgraded you files of \n Free Download Manager Version %Version% \n now it is fully support Firefox XX.XX.XX Crome blablabla "

bye : exit

and so on...

so it is possible to have every the last Version with fdmupdater.
(if download the fdmupdater as sinle so it is possible to have every the last install;)
once downloaded every in the next jears the actual version ;)

therefor maby if take other the lastest version to add maby a folder of ".\FDM\Versions "
to store te last download like the last setupfile

move *.exe /Versions/setup%Version%%date%.exe (3.9RC1b1194 01242012)
move setup.exe /Versions/setup%Version%%date%.exe (3.9RC1b1194 01242012)

this is ma suggestion for Freedownloadmanager.

best regards

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