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Cyberfox x64 Bit -> Downloadsupport ?

Moderators: Usher, Alex

Posts: 53
Joined: Sun Jul 11, 2004 10:00 pm
Location: Germany

Cyberfox x64 Bit -> Downloadsupport ?

Postby Blackcrack » Sun Jul 21, 2013 7:40 am

Hy Alex,

i have fount this :

he supports the x64 version of firefox, but with an other name.. Cyberfox with x86_64 Archetecture and AMDx86_64 Arch .. maybe can we add this Browser as x64 Arch-Support ? (if you see what i mean :) ) because at moment uses maybe the same profile but not the same downloadmanager ;)

maybe a new fiture -> check if browser installed -> None ? -> open a window with buttons with download and install automatically, because, i/the users don't need anymore add on unattended install an browser, only you FDM, this checks if an browser installed and if not, open an window with download&install Buttons ;) The Defailt Update/Download URL's be known..
and under help maybe a link to this Browser-install fiture who be supporting by FDM :)

and 2nd suggestion, maybe on download/status-window an checkbox with execute this file behind download. (by default unchecked)

[X] Execute ?*

on saveing dialog, and Download dialog

in the Main Window maybe a extra Split with checkboxes for |exec*|
on big files / long download enables it to execute it.. maybe a double click on this
entry open an execute dialog who can adjust this cmdline because download and install in silencemode... btw if anyone want go directly in the bed or download a large customizer
for windows with 100-1000MB or more who have switches on it.. and /or msi-files (/passive /shutdown) or (/quite /noreboot) or other

*This Checkbox enable the FDM direcktly execute this file behind download.
(the cmd-line can edit on the Downloadwindow and in the Main Window)

an Extra Entry in configuration an Textwindow who can custom spezific file the
automatically switches , who can selecting by pulldown on the download window ;)
Customizing by the user :)

best regards

Because an Orderingsystem it's not an Browsersystem, it's an System for let running the Hardware and Programms ;)
Cyberfox user

Re: Cyberfox x64 Bit -> Downloadsupport ?

Postby Cyberfox user » Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:05 pm

Yes FDM has this weakness :( (x64 support)
please consider that issue and add support into the Firefox add-on ?
FDM team can do that :)

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