Why does FDM prohibit downloading certain links?
Why does FDM prohibit downloading certain links?
Why does FDM prohibit downloading certain links?
For example :https://xy.dbe668.com:668/d/%E7%94%B5%E8%A7%86%E5%89%A7/%E9%9F%A9%E5%9B%BD/J%20%7C%20%E7%BB%A7%E6%89%BF%E8%80%85%E4%BB%AC/The.Heirs.2013.S01.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.H264.AAC-NexusNF/The.Heirs.2013.S01E01.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.H264.AAC-NexusNF.mkv
For example :https://xy.dbe668.com:668/d/%E7%94%B5%E8%A7%86%E5%89%A7/%E9%9F%A9%E5%9B%BD/J%20%7C%20%E7%BB%A7%E6%89%BF%E8%80%85%E4%BB%AC/The.Heirs.2013.S01.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.H264.AAC-NexusNF/The.Heirs.2013.S01E01.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.H264.AAC-NexusNF.mkv
Re: Why does FDM prohibit downloading certain links?
Thank you for reporting. We'll check it and report back to you.
Thank you for reporting. We'll check it and report back to you.
FDM development team
FDM development team
Re: Why does FDM prohibit downloading certain links?
It seems I can't reproduce the issue. Could you elaborate?
It seems I can't reproduce the issue. Could you elaborate?
FDM development team
FDM development team
Re: Why does FDM prohibit downloading certain links?
When I download files from this website, the browser can download by default, but FDM always prohibits downloading.
https://xy.dbe668.com:668/%E7%94%B5%E5% ... 7%E5%AE%99
https://xy.dbe668.com:668/%E7%94%B5%E5% ... 7%E5%AE%99
Re: Why does FDM prohibit downloading certain links?
I could be wrong, but that looks like it is an HTTP-facing FTP site using a specific port.
I am I.
Please read the FDM FAQ and to report bugs follows the instructions in this post:
How to report bugs for FDM
I am I.
Please read the FDM FAQ and to report bugs follows the instructions in this post:
How to report bugs for FDM
Re: Why does FDM prohibit downloading certain links?
How do I fix this?
Re: Why does FDM prohibit downloading certain links?
This is caused by a wrong HTTP Referer header sent to server by FDM.
Nothing can be done to fix this by the user.
We'll think how to fix this.
This is caused by a wrong HTTP Referer header sent to server by FDM.
Nothing can be done to fix this by the user.
We'll think how to fix this.
FDM development team
FDM development team
Re: Why does FDM prohibit downloading certain links?
Please try this version of FDM and let me know if it works for you. Do not forget to restart your web browser after installation.
FDM development team
FDM development team
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