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Downloads stall at 95% to 99%

Moderators: Usher, Alex


Download stops at 99% ang became not resumable

Postby anythingsixteen » Sun Nov 21, 2010 1:14 pm

hey, can somebody help me out with my fdm. I downloaded a 750mb file and it took me 10hrs for it. but when it became 99% it suddenly stops and im still trying to resume it.. i saw in the home page that FDM can also resume broken downloads so you needn`t start downloading from the beginning.

please if its true let me know if there's something i must do. thanks in advanced
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Re: Download stops at 99% ang became not resumable

Postby Usher » Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:50 pm

It seems that something goes wrong on the server side or on the way from the server to you.
1. FDM can resume downloads, but resuming depends on the server side. The server must:
- support resuming,
- allow resuming for specified users,
- send proper information about file size etc.
2. The server may work OK, but the data may be broken by some proxy/cache on the way (f.e. by transparent proxy of your ISP) or by some internet security software installed by you.

In your case - maybe 99% you can see is in real 100% of the file, maybe 99% means that the downloaded file is scanned by antivirus and it will be 100% only after scanning, or maybe the file is really broken. You should first try to check the file (test archive, check control sum etc.)
Andrzej P. Wozniak, FDM user and forum moderator
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Downloads stop at 99%

Postby goran712 » Thu Mar 10, 2011 12:32 pm

Most of my downloads just stop/pause at 99% and it stays on that,I left my computer all night to see nonething was downloaded,only two files had "orange" arrows. Any suggestions?

Re: Downloads stop at 99%

Postby ckraft » Wed Mar 23, 2011 5:36 am

goran712 wrote:Most of my downloads just stop/pause at 99% and it stays on that,I left my computer all night to see nonething was downloaded,only two files had "orange" arrows. Any suggestions?

When I've had that problem I click to stop the download, then click to start the download. That usually gets FDM to finish whatever it's suppose4d to be doing.

Re: Downloads stop at 99%

Postby prcr99 » Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:52 pm

I've had that problem too. Soemtimes the stop then start works, but soemtimes I have to reboot and start the 99% to get the last 1%

Re: Downloads stop at 99%

Postby » Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:20 am

I have same issue but not at 99% just appears random. Partially downloaded file is locked. I'm using hidden attribute as well.
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Re: Downloads stop at 99%

Postby PChammer » Sun May 01, 2011 6:42 am

There could be a number of reasons for this and many, not due to FDM. This happens with browsers without a download manager.

1. Clear your cache and temp files. If the temp files or such get full, it can hang at 99% until.. yes, system is restarted clearing some clutter. Run Ccleaner once in a while.

2. Could be your anti virus or firewall or other software. Try to restart the services.

3. You could have an infection of some sort, get MBAM (malware bytes anti-malware) do a scan.

4. Your router "if you have one" could be going bad or needs a reset. Try a different network cable to the router or modem, may be bad. If wireless, try testing to wired or the other way around. Even with another system if possible.

5. Could be your modem going bad "I have personally had this happen". See the above router issues for the cable and such.

6. Could be a bad link or issue with your ISP service at that time, this happens to many as well. You may need to contact them and let them know there is an issue if on your end.

7. Make sure your nic card is good. One quick method but won't always show an issue, open a command window, may need to right click and run as admin, type without quotes "" , "ping (space)" see what the results give. Should look similar to this...

Code: Select all

[b]Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms[/b]

Hope this helps a bit.


Re: Downloads stop at 99%

Postby jb4 » Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:48 am

I've had this issue for awhile on single file downloads. I don't have the problem when downloading zipped files. My router is fine and I'm running Win 7 and have plenty of disk space. No Firewall issue or anti-virus...seems that a lot of people have this issue when I googled the problem, so I am guessing it's something to do with FDM
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Re: Downloads stop at 99%

Postby Usher » Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:03 am

I guess it is something to do with:
* Some websites sending improper info about download size (f.e. when http gzip compression is allowed) or ending session to early (f.e. when downloading from file hosting services). It may be some server-side misconfiguration or some buggy server-side software versions. To debug this possible cause you can tell us your problematic download URL or at least website name. You can also send complaints to webmasters of such sites.
* Some caching/proxy/filtering software or device, f.e. antivirus, firewall, internet security suite, router, transparent proxy at ISP (f.e proxy compressing images for slow WiFi or GSM/mobile connection) etc. Always having 99% may mean that download is finished but connection cannot be closed until your filtering software finish scanning the download and allows to close connection. Prolonged scanning may lead FDM to timeout caused by "unknown reason" - in this case manual restarting download in FDM really helps. To debug those causes in the best case you should name:
- all your filtering software and its versions,
- your router model and its firmware version,
- your ISP and connection type - from your PC to your router and from the router to your ISP.
* Broken user profile in Windows. With broken profile you can see all free space on NTFS partition using some software and only 64 MB free using another software. In this case you can see percentage depending on download size. To fix this problem you should create a new user account in Windows.

It is very hard to debug your reports without detailed info about all those possible causes. People that send reports usually don't know how to get all that info. People that can get that info usually don't have such troubles or fix the problems on their own without reporting to this forum.
Andrzej P. Wozniak, FDM user and forum moderator
Read FDM FAQ and the reporting rules
"How to report a bug or a problem with FDM" before posting

Re: Downloads stop at 99%

Postby Guest » Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:55 pm

yeah that's understood. It stops after it gets to 99% but then if I stop it then start it back it finishes the download.
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Downloads reach 99% then stop

Postby Nihontopride » Mon Sep 23, 2013 3:54 am

This is probably an issue that's been discussed before, but I can't find any solution on the forum or anywhere else online, so I've opened a post. Many files I've tried downloading stop at 99%, the connection to the server just drops, reconnects and drops again over and over. I've tried disabling my Antivirus and changing download setting but nothing works, I've dealt with this issue for over a year and I'm tired of it, I need a permanent solution to this problem. I've tried using Safari to download these files through the activity window, but unfortunately these files are large and Safari has been giving me other problems. The Download speeds on Safari are under 100kb, while FDM does nearly 2500kb, and when Safari loses connection, which it often does, I have to start the download over. Needless to say, FDM can reach 99% in 30 seconds, where as Safari takes 30 minutes or more, and has a high chance of dropping the connection during that time and I have to try again. There HAS to be some sort of solution to this crap.
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Re: Downloads reach 99% then stop

Postby Usher » Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:47 pm

You are right, this problem has been discussed more than once here. I'm afraid there is no clear solution, but you can try to follow some suggestions:
1. Contact your Internet provider (ISP) and ask about proxy settings. Some ISPs use "transparent proxy" to control connections and sometimes it may give similar results.
2. Disabling antivirus software usually doesn't help. You should uninstall your AV or internet security suite completely, using special tool provided by the software vendor.
3. Reset your router or test another one if possible.
4. Some download servers may be misconfigured. If you have problems only with a few sites, you may ask admins of those sites to help you with troubleshooting.
5. Read older topics about proxy etc. in this forum.
Andrzej P. Wozniak, FDM user and forum moderator
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Re: Downloads reach 99% then stop

Postby StormJumper » Thu Sep 26, 2013 8:34 pm

Nihontopride wrote:This is probably an issue that's been discussed before, but I can't find any solution on the forum or anywhere else online, so I've opened a post. Many files I've tried downloading stop at 99%, the connection to the server just drops, reconnects and drops again over and over. I've tried disabling my Antivirus and changing download setting but nothing works, I've dealt with this issue for over a year and I'm tired of it, I need a permanent solution to this problem. I've tried using Safari to download these files through the activity window, but unfortunately these files are large and Safari has been giving me other problems. The Download speeds on Safari are under 100kb, while FDM does nearly 2500kb, and when Safari loses connection, which it often does, I have to start the download over. Needless to say, FDM can reach 99% in 30 seconds, where as Safari takes 30 minutes or more, and has a high chance of dropping the connection during that time and I have to try again. There HAS to be some sort of solution to this crap.

I can say what you describing is a problem related to line condition and the server disconnecting you is from their side and you have to contact their webmaster about the lost connection. FDM only works if the server allows communication back and forth to work but in your case it migt be a time limit to the download thus when that bandwidth is reach for that download then it cuts it off if that is the case. If it had been something like 50% and lost connection then it would be line or software problem but at 99% this seems more like the problem is on their side and your going to have to contact your ISP or the download site your downloading from to find a solution. Because you said you did it repeatly and got the same problem that to me would indicate it's from their side and not something FDM can control. IMO

Help at 99% all download go bad

Postby nikned » Tue Sep 22, 2015 2:03 pm

Hi to all,
i have last stable version of fdm and i have win 10 and i use chrome.

When i download some file, they blocked at 99% and then start and stop the download but download it's finished
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Re: Help at 99% all download go bad

Postby Usher » Tue Sep 22, 2015 3:16 pm

Could you follow the reporting rules and provide more details, please?
Andrzej P. Wozniak, FDM user and forum moderator
Read FDM FAQ and the reporting rules
"How to report a bug or a problem with FDM" before posting

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