In my archive I have only:
* 3.0.6 extension updated automatically by Firefox - it's created on 2017-11-27.
*FDM 1638 installer with 3.0.3 extension. The certificate of the FDM installer certificate have timestamp 2017-10-27, so it's definitely older.
However, there might be silent installer update with newer certificate timestamp. Whatever it was, that way the extension could be updated only to 3.0.11 maximum. Those extension builds are signed with certificate which already expired so Firefox may warn you or block the extension when you try to install it.
If you want to use newer FDM extension (fdm-ffext2) with FDM 3.9.7, you should first remove the old extension from Firefox, install FDM build 1641 and only then go to to download a new extension. Works for me.