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FDM 5 Preview

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Re: FDM 5.0 alpha

Postby JpotatO » Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:24 am


I tested the alpha release, and there is a loooot to do ^^
for starting… it's not at the level of the "old" releases, I hope it's because this is a dev release…

Some very important and "basic" functions of FDM are "missing for now" like:

:idea: Clipboard management, and auto add new download to FDM5
:idea: Floating download informations window (with the name, completed percentage and estimated time)
:idea: Language choice (I can't find this in the settings…)
:idea: The function to "comment" does not appear, but in the settings dialog there is a check box…?
:idea: Use Labels to manage the downloads, like the "softwares" label who put all the *.exe files in a precise folder, this is too a very important and common function of this great manager, I use this in many ways, and it's really usefull !

And the others functions will be great if integrated too:

:idea: The "Download status window" with all the infos, progress,etc…
:idea: Website explorer and downloader, it's very great to download a website to convert to CHM for exemple, or download all the pictures on the site or a precise folder

Well, this is only the principal functions and for me FDM is not FDM without this at last !
(I had other ideas for FDM 3.9, I noted but I do not know what I did with ^^ "if I find them I will add to this post)

The clipboard management is, for me, the more important thing, i d'ont use firefox, chrome, internet explorer or opera, i use my RSS manager and browser to navigate and download, and MxNitro when I need to search a thing that I can't view on my RSS manager… then this apps don't use external addons, and I need to copy, paste, change the download folder location, and finally start the download… it's really irritating !!

And I found this new release after a big bug with the release of FDM 3.9, I have it for a long time already, I download a torrent via magnet, and now when I launch FDM 3.9 my window start hidden in the tray, i can download but cannont show the window ! when I open it within the tray FDM crash… well it's because of this that I realised that the V5a is online ;P

For ending this, I really like the design! Flat is cool, simple, and clear, and it's in my line of my design style of the moment, I create my custom icons for all the applications that I tested, and FDM is not put on the border :)

I'm really looking forward to see what's next !
And could you share with us what features the team-have in mind for FDM5?
I'm really interested in thereafter of FDM, I use this software more than any others, for exemple I run on a 200Ko/sec max download speed, and download ~10Go of data sized within a range of 100ko to 100mo… then without this I am really lost ^^"

Thanks for all in any cases !
Last edited by Usher on Sat Oct 04, 2014 4:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FDM 5.0 alpha

Postby johnlgalt » Sun Oct 05, 2014 4:06 pm

Do you people not understand what an Alpha release is?

Yes, they know features are missing. It is not a complete, ready to be used piece of software on your machine.

Bug reports are warranted, because no sense in working on new features if the current set has bugs. But complaining about missing features is pretty useless at this point, because it is an ALPHA build.

Get it?

I am I.

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Re: FDM 5.0 alpha

Postby otko1992 » Sun Oct 05, 2014 5:59 pm

when officialy lunch FDM 5 alpha win 8.1 support ?

Re: FDM 5.0 alpha

Postby Guest » Mon Oct 06, 2014 1:33 am

any site/page to list the new features compare against the 3.9? been looking for proper unicode filename support. is FDM 5 getting it?
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Re: FDM 5.0 alpha

Postby plb7777 » Mon Oct 06, 2014 11:07 am

Dear developer
I have few suggestion for the new FDM 5 as follows

1. please give one info what features to add, modify or delete in the FDM 5.
2. start development in a regular basis and give release time for the users.
3. only entertain bugs, patches and/or development related to the info u have given.

For features

1. please include media grabber to the fdm 5.x for rtmp support as in the Orbit Downloader (Grab ++) and Eagleget 2.X (media sniffer).

Re: FDM 5.0 alpha

Postby terrible » Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:57 pm

this is terrible. UI is not impressive, less features

Re: FDM 5.0 alpha

Postby hirenm » Tue Oct 07, 2014 2:05 pm

Hello FDM Team,

Thanks for great new interface.
Some features I want to see in upcoming releases,

1) Resume support / Change download link
2) Make remove button clears link from download list only & not from disk.

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FDM5alpha Main download Page dodgy filelist management?

Postby PanPan78 » Sat Oct 18, 2014 1:53 pm

Hi, as i have been using extensively (and happily ;-) FDM5alpha build3127 for weeks now, i needed to cancel hundred of temporary index(x).html files in the download windows and tried to use the standard Win7 way with click_startfile-shiftClick_endfile but found:
-there a no up/down arrows to let slide the lift handle smoothly (only click out of the lift handle is allowed to move window by window)
-the shiftClick_endfile works only within a window, but don't work if you move the lift handle to go to the end file selection

As i had to delete this group of files window by window which was time consuming, is this a bug or a feature?

How do you register to this blog (the anti robot "what is our download manager..." page didn't recognise various trials such as:
[sorry, finally 'FDM' happened to work :-]
[thanks for transfering this topic to the FDM 5.0 alpha forum for me]

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Re: FDM5alpha Main download Page dodgy filelist management?

Postby Usher » Sat Oct 18, 2014 2:48 pm

PanPan78 wrote:i needed to cancel hundred of temporary index(x).html files in the download windows
Problem with deleting downloads is known and already described in FDM 5.0 alpha topic. I suspect it is Chromium (mis)feature.

PanPan78 wrote:How do you register to this blog
Free Download Manager is the name (with spaces).

PanPan78 wrote:[thanks for transfering this topic to the FDM 5.0 alpha forum for me]
Message merged. Do not use square brackets as a text, please, they are parsed as formatting tags (BBCode) by the forum software.
Andrzej P. Wozniak, FDM user and forum moderator
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Clive Sorensson
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Re: FDM 5.0 alpha

Postby Clive Sorensson » Tue Oct 21, 2014 8:11 am

SlickR wrote:Hey there, me again with another issue. FDM 5 seems to be unable to detect videos on when using Chrome browser.

I'm using Chrome again the same version as I posted above in a previous post. There is no download button just above the video or "download video" option on right click making it impossible to download videos from that site.

Firefox v32.0.2 has "download video" option in the right click menu and I'm able to download videos on dailymotion through firefox.

Again I'm using win 7 64bit version OS.

EDIT: It seems FDM 5 can't download video from most websites in Chrome. Again I'm using Chrome Version 37.0.2062.120 m (64-bit). There is no download button next to videos, nor "download video" option in right click on pretty much all the websites I've tried to download video from.

It's a Chrome plugin feature (not FDM 5), and it indeed hasn't been implemented yet.
We are aware of the problem, will get our hands on it as soon as we can.
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Re: FDM 5.0 alpha

Postby Clive Sorensson » Tue Oct 21, 2014 8:14 am

Buzzlite3 wrote:What about getting the installer to give you a choice of where to install.

I prefer not to load this sort of thing on my SSD C drive.


Hello! We are considering hosting an offline installer, thanks for the feedback!
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Re: FDM 5.0 alpha

Postby Clive Sorensson » Tue Oct 21, 2014 8:40 am

SlickR wrote:.. for example like adding OPTIONAL categories like "videos, applications, documents, etc..." .

We will release a version with tags soon, what else do you have in mind? Besides videos, applications and documents.

SlickR wrote: Also I would like to be able to set default download directory in the settings, something that is currently missing.

Is there a point to implement that? You initially set the directory when you first see the Download dialog window, and that'll be the default.
Or do you mean that you want a default directory to avoid having to click OK in the Download dialog, and cut out the extra click?

SlickR wrote:Can you please add support for Opera and Waterfox web browsers to FDM 5?

Right now it only has support for IE(which no one uses anyways), FF and Chrome, which are the most used two browsers, but there are better alternatives these days and Opera and Waterfox are one of those.

Also you can't download video in Chrome as I've already reported, so you are forced to use FF if you want to download video with FDM 5.

Ok, will look into that.
Ever since Opera decided to go with engine used in Chrome, the question of "which one is better" seems to make less sense.
How is Waterfox better than Firefox? If you're talking about the 64-bit -- well, all the extensions are still 32-bit, including FDM.

SlickR wrote:I would like to suggest option to select/deselect all videos in the video capture window. Right now if you play a video and load it at different time frames and then click to download the video it will show all the points and that can be upwards of 10, which you need to deselect manually one by one.

What is a video capture windows? Could you please describe the problem with screenshots and URL examples? Would appreciate that,

SlickR wrote: would like to suggest an option in the settings to have a certain key or keys combination to have FDM 5 stop monitoring download and allow the browser own downloader to download.

I would also like to suggest option in the settings to write down websites that FDM 5 should not download from. This would be very good to avoid downloading from filesharing websites that don't work with most download managers.

We will consider that, thanks for the feedback!
Clive Sorensson
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Re: FDM 5.0 alpha

Postby Clive Sorensson » Tue Oct 21, 2014 8:44 am

Guest wrote:Dear Developer

i have used the new FDM 5.X alpha but it lack some features as follows

1. limitation to add more than one downloads in the same time in case of normal, youtube and torrent link.

2. please add Site Manager.


1. Please elaborate on that, it's a little unclear what you mean by limitation. How would that work?

2. In this alpha version we're trying to make the essential features stable, so the requested feature is probably somewhere at the bottom on our priority list, but we'll look into that when we have the time.

Thanks for the feedback!
Clive Sorensson
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Re: FDM 5.0 alpha

Postby Clive Sorensson » Tue Oct 21, 2014 8:48 am

Guest wrote:Dear Developer

please add following features

1. add multiple link analyzing features.
2. try to remove the titles like "filename, size, progress etc" from the title bar.
3. please remove check box and folder icon from the right hand site and general and log should be open when a user click popup menu and ask for it..

thank you

1. What do you want to be analyzed? Please elaborate,
2. These are intended to be used for sorting out the download list (clickable filters).
3. Sorry, didn't get the request. A screenshot would be helpful,

Thanks for the feedback!
Clive Sorensson
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Re: FDM 5.0 alpha

Postby Clive Sorensson » Tue Oct 21, 2014 8:52 am

braincrossed wrote:The interface looks very good. However, a lot of features are missing, such as the ability to edit and update the download link (this is invaluable at times where the link is dead and needs to be refreshed). Also, batch downloading, and remote management are features that are really important. I hope these features will see light in the final version. Thanks!

At what point in time do you want to be able to edit the download link?
Batch downloading will be added,
Remote management - from where do you want to control your downloads and why?

Thanks for the feedback!

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