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Support for .lst (URL lists)

Moderators: Usher, Alex


Support for .lst (URL lists)

Postby TrAnS » Wed Jul 21, 2004 2:25 am

Hi, first of all: Good Job!

I was a Flashget user, but now I changed to FDM.
But I found a feature missing...
I would like to see the "import URL list..." feature like Flashget has.
Is the only I need to get rid of that flashget.

By the way. How about command line options?
I mean the capability to send new urls to download via CLI.
eg: > fdm.exe
It would be great because I would configure the Mozilla extension "Launchy" in order to send links from Mozilla to FDM easily

Bye! and thanks in advance!
Posts: 110
Joined: Sun Jul 11, 2004 1:11 pm
Location: USA

Postby Zero3K » Thu Jul 22, 2004 4:03 am

Command line options has already been suggested by someone else. I think that having the ability to import FlashGet's download list is not really neccessary.

Postby TrAnS » Thu Jul 29, 2004 12:28 am

Well, I asked for this feature because there are many fansubs that release their files using .lst:
They upload the file to many free hosting websites, split in so much pieces that is dificult to add the urls one by one.
I was using Flashget, but I think FDM is better, even with the lack of this feature.
Thats the reason I requested the .lst compability

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