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Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 5:42 pm
by Alex
Dear FDM Users!

Our team has been actively developing a completely new version of FDM during the last few months.

This new version is a completely new FDM with new core and UI written from scratch.

It was created with a hope to bring the best possible experience to both users and developers.

Its main purpose is to work fast and smoothly on every device it can be run on.

Image Download from Microsoft Store
Image Download for Windows 64-bit (43MB)

Image Download for Mac OS X (45MB)

Image Download DEB for Linux 64-bit (42MB)

Image Download for Android 7 and higher (32-bit) (38MB)
Image Download for Android 7 and higher (64-bit) (42MB)

[+] FDM6 based on Qt5 for legacy platforms Windows 7, macOS 10.12, Ubuntu 18.04
ImageDownload for Windows 32-bit (30MB)
ImageDownload for Windows 64-bit (35MB)
ImageDownload for Mac OS X (43MB)
ImageDownload DEB for Linux 64-bit (34MB) [Sep 5, 2024] STABLE
- Improved add-ons support.
- Android 14 support.
- A bit improved portable version.
- Qt updated to 6.7.2 (except macOS: waiting for 6.7.3).
- Fixed: issue allocating disk space in some cases.
- Fixed: various UI bugs.
- Fixed: Android: some web sites were broken in the built-in web browser. [Jul 8, 2024] STABLE
- Improved add-ons support.
- Fixed: UI rendering was broken in some cases.
- Fixed: Brave web browser could not detect FDM in some cases.
- Fixed: incorrect file name could be set for an HTTP download in some cases.
- Fixed: bug processing qurl command line argument.
- Fixed: Android: audio output could switch from headphones to speakers at FDM start.

[+] Change log of the previous versions [Jun 11, 2024] STABLE
- libcurl backend added (more download protocols are supported now).
- Minor stability improvements.
- Fixed: Windows: running FDM was preventing idle computer from going to sleep by timeout. [Apr 27, 2024] STABLE
- Torrents: Details tab added.
- Improved command line support.
- Minor interface improvements.
- Fixed: a file downloaded via HTTP could have a wrong name in some cases.
- Fixed: various bugs downloading live streams.
- Fixed: don't automatically generate HTTP referer header for downloads from web browser.
- Fixed: bugs in downloads auto start mechanism.
- Fixed: random app crashes while downloading torrents.
- Fixed: various minor bugs.
- Fixed: Android: files created by another apps were not visible in the open file dialog. [Mar 18, 2024] STABLE
- Fixed: Windows: installer bugs. [Mar 16, 2024] STABLE
- "Play file while it's still downloading" option.
- "Enable additional downloads to optimize speed" option.
- "Click on the Close button to hide FDM and keep it running in the background" option.
- Ability to remove items from recent folders list.
- Improved restart downloads logic.
- Improved downloads ETA calculation algorithm.
- Latvian and Burmese translations added.
- Standalone downloads windows: open in minimized state.
- Minor interface improvements.
- Windows: "Do not catch browser downloads if INSERT key is pressed" option.
- Windows: improved installer.
- Android: Qt updated to 6.6.2, OpenSSL updated to 3.2.0.
- Fixed: crash when checking for app updates in remote control client mode.
- Fixed: remote control: "file exists already" dialog was not closed on remote side.
- Fixed: torrents: bugs downloading torrents in sequential mode.
- Fixed: torrents: predefined trackers list was not used for magnet downloads.
- Fixed: FDM could not start downloads due to bad battery state in some cases.
- Fixed: various minor bugs. [Jan 1, 2024] STABLE
- Fixed: Android: crash when using built-in web browser's context menu in case the main app is not launched. [Dec 21, 2023] STABLE
- Fixed: Android: bug detecting network state under Android 8.x and older. [Dec 18, 2023] STABLE
- "Submit a bug report" menu.
- Standalone window: Remember to always close by default / Remember to never close by default.
- Desktop version: battery settings added.
- Sort by name mode: letter case is ignored now.
- "Maximum number of additional querying info downloads" setting added.
- Download from web sites is slightly improved in some cases.
- FDM now uses web browser user agent by default.
- Qt is updated to 6.4.3.
- Libtorrent is updated to 1.2.19.
- Improved downloading of live streams.
- Improved download reliability under Linux OSes (including Android).
- Android 13 support.
- "Finish downloading" context menu for stream downloads.
- "Avoid sleep mode if there is a scheduled download" setting.
- Finnish localization is added.
- Minor interface improvements.
- Fixed: issues when downloading to disks with file systems with no sparse files support (e.g. exFAT).
- Fixed: add-ons: a few issues.
- Fixed: FDM could never ask for a new password in case there is a saved and wrong old one.
- Fixed: troubles downloading from some web sites.
- Fixed: bugs in downloads auto start/retry mechanism.
- Fixed: FDM could crash after updating an add-on.
- Fixed: Auto shutdown menu was greyed out in some cases.
- Fixed: torrents: unrecoverable "End of file" error.
- Fixed: torrents module could stop working after stopping all torrent downloads.
- Fixed: various UI bugs.
- Fixed: bug detecting online state under Windows 11.
- Fixed: macOS: bug detecting installed Python.
- Fixed: Android: bugs detecting online state.
- Fixed: Android: "Use server time for file creation" was not working in some cases.
- Fixed: Android: take into account Android system's UI zoom settings. [May 19, 2023] STABLE
- Option: show/hide built-in tags.
- OpenSSL updated to 1.1.1t.
- Libtorrent updated to 1.2.18.
- Improved log system.
- Large batch downloads: performance optimization.
- Downloaded files are removed in a slightly different way now.
- Remote control: network proxy support.
- Windows: multilanguage installer.
- Android: Android 12 support.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Fixed: it was impossible to resume torrent download from existing partially downloaded files.
- Fixed: more than 3 additional query info downloads could be started.
- Fixed: HTTP downloads did not obey 1 maximum connection limit.
- Fixed: minor UI bugs.
- Fixed: Windows: file open error when creating a download with a too long file name.
- Fixed: Linux: Wayland support. [Mar 13, 2023] STABLE
- "Launch external application on download completion" setting.
- Remember last used scheduler's settings as default ones.
- BitTorrent: a few options added.
- BitTorrent: "Force reannounce" context menu added.
- Revamped mechanism of managing downloads traffic limits.
- Revamped sort-by-status algorithm.
- Drag&Drop downloads outside of the app.
- "Automatically remove finished downloads in N days" option.
- Detect unwanted behavior errors.
- Improved support of RTL languages.
- Windows: performance improvements.
- Fixed: torrent download could not resume downloading after a write error.
- Fixed: various UI and core bugs. [Nov 11, 2022] STABLE
- "Uncompleted" downloads filter.
- "Enable list of predefined trackers" setting.
- Fixed: completed downloads could end up in the wrong state if auto-shutdown option was used.
- Fixed: bug adding trackers to torrent downloads.
- Fixed: finished torrent download could not resume seeding after an error occurred.
- Fixed: various UI bugs.
- Fixed: Windows: workaround: bug launching Python. [Oct 28, 2022] STABLE
- UI zoom settings.
- Remote access: improved stability.
- HTTP downloads: improved speed and stability.
- Improved HLS downloads support.
- "Enable standalone create new downloads windows" option.
- Minor improvements.
- Fixed: downloads priorities mechanism was broken.
- Fixed: bug working in a multi-monitor configuration.
- Fixed: FDM was resetting downloads sort mode at startup in case user-sort mode was enabled.
- Fixed: minor bugs.
- Fixed: Windows: "Failed to create OpenGL context" error message at startup on some configurations.
- Fixed: Windows: bug working with UNC paths.
- Fixed: Linux: clicking on the other apps' notifications could bring FDM to foreground.
- For developers: add-ons: console.log output goes to the log file now.

v6.17.0.4792 [Aug 18, 2022] STABLE
- Remote access (beta version). For example, access FDM running on your desktop PC from FDM running on your Android phone.
- BitTorrent: setting for changing port for incoming connections.
- File integrity check: SHA-512 support added.
- Improved startup time in some cases.
- Possibility to rename already downloaded files.
- Possibility to sort downloads using Status column.
- Show/hide some columns in the downloads list.
- Minor interface improvements.
- Fixed: bug in the shutting down process, which probably could lead to damage of service data.
- Fixed: FDM was not able to move files on some drives.
- Fixed: minor bugs.
- Fixed: Windows: [experimental] Software mode is enabled by default instead of OpenGL to hopefully avoid various issues.
- Fixed: macOS: bug detecting system theme.

v6.16.2.4586 [May 18, 2022] STABLE
- Fixed: FDM could ignore maximum download count setting in some cases.
- Fixed: it was not possible to choose a file with add-on in some cases.
- Fixed: bug of automatic detection of the current language.
- Fixed: minor bugs.
- Fixed: Android: cross-app scripting vulnerability.
- Fixed: Linux: FDM could not start under Ubuntu 22.04.

v6.16.1.4558 [Apr 5, 2022] STABLE
- "Notify me of new downloads via Notification Center" setting.
- "Ignore upload ratio limit" downloads context menu checkbox.
- Browser extension: Http Live Stream (HLS) downloads support added.
- ICY stream downloads support added.
- Minor interface improvements.
- Android: "Share link with FDM Browser" menu added.
- Android: Built-in web browser: a simple media grabber added.
- Fixed: too high memory usage due to downloads' previews images.
- Fixed: in some cases FDM could stop HTTP download with no resume support on its own.
- Fixed: various Http Live Stream (HLS) downloads bugs.
- Fixed: bug processing HTTP ETag.
- Fixed: various bugs converting media files to MP4/MP3.
- Fixed: browser extension could damage FDM settings (for runtime only).
- Fixed: various interface bugs.
- Fixed: macOS: random crashes when downloading/seeding.
- Fixed: Android: in some cases, FDM was not letting the user to download to the directories outside of its private folder.
- Fixed: Linux: bug moving files to trash.

v6.16.0.4468 [Feb 18, 2022] STABLE
- Add-ons.
- HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) support added.
- Libtorrent updated to 1.2.15.
- Added support for some antiviruses.
- Ability to enable auto retry for a download in specific error state.
- Option to indicate active download and upload using the tray icon.
- Report about file convert failures.
- HTTP ETag support.
- Media files converter: ask about existing files.
- Minor interface improvements.
- Notifications about downloads: treat parent and its child downloads as a single one. And thus generate one notification for all of them.
- Android: "Allow data roaming" option.
- Android: improved system notification about downloads in progress.
- Fixed: minor interface bugs.
- Fixed: bug importing HTTP downloads from FDM5.
- Fixed: Windows: incompatibility with Opus.
- Fixed: Windows: bugs working with the long files paths.
- Fixed: Windows: show native files paths to the user.
- Fixed: Linux: Brave browser support.
- Fixed: Linux: FDM could not detect files removal in some cases.

v6.15.3.4236 [Oct 16, 2021] STABLE
- Fixed: FDM was generating false download failed notifications if the silent monitoring was turned on.

v6.15.3.4234 [Oct 15, 2021] STABLE
- Fixed: FDM could hang in some cases.
- Fixed: minor bugs.
- Fixed: Windows: FDM was preventing storage from safe removal.
- Fixed: Linux: bug moving files to trash.

v6.15.2.4167 [Sep 3, 2021] STABLE
- Improved database backup mechanism.
- Save converted files directly to the specified directory, if converting not a whole download.
- Force show foreground the main window in case FDM must ask the user about what to do with an existing file.
- Fixed: FDM database was never compacted so it continue to always grow up in size.
- Fixed: work around the case that OS can mislead FDM about the current Internet connection state.
- Fixed: HTTP -> torrent was processed incorrectly, which could lead to serious troubles in export/import mechanism.
- Fixed: minor interface bugs.
- Fixed: Windows: main window's title bar was not following chosen theme in some cases.

v6.15.1.4143 [Aug 30, 2021] STABLE
- Windows: improved support of the dark theme.
- Fixed: FDM was crashing trying to start downloads created in previous versions.

v6.15.0.4140 [Aug 27, 2021] STABLE
- Move downloads up and down in the list.
- "Save as..." button in Create Download dialog.
- BitTorrent settings tab added.
- Reset settings to defaults button added.
- Remember chosen quality, file type, etc. when creating a new download.
- Check for a new version of FDM: show changelog.
- "Restore hidden state when finished adding new downloads" option.
- "Download link likely expired" dialog.
- "Missing Files" filter.
- Minor interface improvements.
- macOS: full screen mode support.
- Android: open download links in the built-in web browser.
- Fixed: FDM could not notice file removal in some cases.
- Fixed: several days were missing in scheduler's interface.
- Fixed: various bugs and problems of exporting/importing downloads.
- Fixed: minor interface bugs.
- Fixed: Windows: FDM was conflicting with itself when running under different accounts simulteneously.
- Fixed: macOS: import data from FDM5 was completely broken.
- Fixed: macOS: FDM was using discrete graphics only on macOS supporting switchable devices.
- Fixed: Android: magnet links were not intercepted in the built-in browser.
- Fixed: Android: in some cases interface was ignoring option to automatically remove downloads with deleted files.
- Fixed: Android: built-in web browser was not sending HTTP referrer header in some cases.

v6.14.2.3973 [May 21, 2021] STABLE
- UI: show the reason of disabled automatic downloads (e.g. due to low battery)
- "Automatically remove deleted files from download list" option redesign. Service .freedownloadmanager folders are not created anymore and can be safely deleted.
- Fixed: bug shutting down FDM (some downloads states could not be saved in some cases)
- Fixed: various interface bugs.
- Fixed: disable "Move Files" menu for downloads merging files.
- Fixed: Windows: bug detecting online state.

v6.14.1.3935 [Apr 16, 2021] STABLE
- Various interface improvements.
- Fixed: various interface bugs.
- Fixed: HTTP/HTTPS downloads could not be stopped in some cases.
- Fixed: bug converting from MKV to MP3.
- Fixed: macOS: blurred images on Retina displays.

v6.14.0.3798 [Mar 19, 2021] STABLE
- Ask for confirmation on quit in case there are operations with no resume support in progress.
- Show convert to mp3/mp4 operations progress and abort button.
- Torrents: start/stop all seeding downloads menu.
- Torrents: show green folder buttons for finished torrents.
- Minor interface improvements and fixes.
- macOS: Dock icon progress UI redesign.
- Fixed: app was restarted automatically after installation of updates even if it should not to.
- Fixed: download playlist/video menus in the web browser extension did not work properly if silent mode is enabled.
- Fixed: bug sorting downloads by size

v6.13.4.3616 [Feb 9, 2021] STABLE
- Toolbar's "Pause"/"Start" buttons now works for the seeding torrents also.
- Show merge operations progress.
- macOS: "Show total upload speed in the Dock icon" option.
- Fixed: Google Drive downloads issues.
- Fixed: Update total speed indicators without significant lag.
- Fixed: Incorrect source page URL was shown if a download was added via Google Chrome browser (requires at least 3.0.55 version of extension).
- Fixed: Windows: bugs updating FDM5 to FDM6.

v6.13.3.3555 [Jan 22, 2021] STABLE
- Option to report download errors.
- 720p for playlist and channels.
- Fixed: Windows: it was impossible to launch FDM on PCs with some third party software interfering with FDM.
- Fixed: Windows: FDM was crashing in some cases due to the buggy OpenGL user-mode drivers (experimental fix).

v6.13.2.3510 [Jan 18, 2021] STABLE
- Convert downloaded video files to mp4.
- "Open download page" menu.
- Fixed: "Perform virus check" menu did not work with custom antivirus.
- Fixed: Windows: it was impossible to launch FDM on PCs with some third party software interfering with FDM.
- Fixed: Windows: FDM was crashing in some cases due to the buggy OpenGL user-mode drivers (experimental fix).

v6.13.1.3480 [Jan 5, 2021] STABLE
- Fixed: FDM could not detect and use Wi-Fi network in some cases.
- Fixed: Windows: it was impossible to launch FDM on PCs with some third party software interfering with FDM.
- Fixed: Windows: FDM was crashing in some cases due to the buggy OpenGL user-mode drivers (experimental fix).
- Fixed: FFmpeg support was broken under macOS and Linux.

v6.13.0.3463 [Dec 25, 2020] STABLE
- Standalone downloads windows (includes option to automatically launch download on completion).
- Possibility to re-download already downloaded file ("Check for update" menu).
- Rename/overwrite/ask what to do if a file with the same name exists already (desktop versions only for now).
- macOS: Always show total download/upload speed in the Dock icon.
- macOS: A better looking progress bar in the Dock icon.
- Android: Quit app menu.
- Android: Generic bugs fixes.

v6.12.1.3374 [Nov 18, 2020] STABLE
- Fixed: FDM was not checking last modified date on server to detect if resource was changed.
- Fixed: Minor interface bugs.
- Fixed: macOS: bug removing fdm5 auto startup entry.
- Fixed: macOS: web extension support was broken.
- Fixed: Android: "fixed download folder" setting text was invisible in the dark theme.

v6.12.0.3350 [Nov 11, 2020] STABLE
- Improved tags support: assign tags for new downloads automatically according to files extensions; assign default download folders to tags.
- Sound notifications.
- Option to enable/disable automatic retry of failed downloads.
- Option to enable/disable notification about failed downloads.
- Show file remove errors.
- Brave browser support.
- Setting to adjust the default limit of 100 videos.
- Support of downloading 5K and 8K videos.
- Torrents: no seeding in Snail mode.
- Android: improved support of Android 11.
- Android: "Share link" browsers menu support.
- Android: battery usage settings.
- Fixed: some traffic limits settings changes were not applied until app restart.
- Fixed: Windows and Linux: unwanted text blurring.
- Fixed: Windows: total downloading progress was not shown immediately when opening main window from tray.
- Fixed: macOS: app was not hidden when launched automatically at startup.

v6.11.0.3218 [Sep 4, 2020] STABLE
- Option to set a fixed default download folder for all new downloads (supports macros).
- Export/import settings and downloads.
- Minor improvements.
- General bug fixes.

v6.10.2.3107 [Jul 24, 2020] STABLE
- The minimum possible size of the main window is decreased.
- General bug fixes.

v6.10.1.3069 [Jul 3, 2020] STABLE
- General bug fixes.

v6.10.1.3051 [Jun 25, 2020] STABLE
- Automatic retry of failed downloads.
- General bug fixes.

v6.10.0.3016 [Jun 5, 2020] STABLE
- Portable version support (Windows only).
- More browsers supported: Edge (Chromium based version only), Vivaldi, Opera.
- General bug fixes.

v6.9.1.2947 [May 18, 2020] STABLE
- General bug fixes.

v6.9.0.2927 [May 15, 2020] STABLE
- Android: built-in web browser.
- Improved support of Google Drive.
- Download videos from Facebook.
- Add mirror links.
- Minor improvements.
- General bug fixes.

v6.8.2.2818 [Apr 2, 2020] Release Candidate
- General bug fixes.

v6.8.2.2816 [Apr 1, 2020] Release Candidate
- Add trackers feature.
- Minor improvements.
- General bug fixes.

v6.8.1.2780 [Mar 26, 2020] Release Candidate
- General bug fixes.

v6.8.1.2772 [Mar 25, 2020] Release Candidate
- General bug fixes.

v6.8.0.2748 [Mar 19, 2020] Release Candidate
- Connections tab.
- Option to assign a virus scanner to scan each downloaded file.
- Convert media files to mp3.
- Option to automatically remove finished downloads.
- Android: scheduler.
- Minor improvements.
- General bug fixes.

v6.7.0.2533 [Jan 24, 2020] Release Candidate
- Fully automatic database backup system.
- Minor improvements.
- General bug fixes.

v6.7.0.2439 [Dec 30, 2019] Release Candidate
- Automatic import from FDM5.
- Minor improvements.
- General bug fixes.

v6.6.0.2261 [Nov 29, 2019] BETA
- Various features.
- Minor improvements.
- General bug fixes.

v6.5.1.2124 [Nov 3, 2019] ALPHA
- General bug fixes and improvements.

v6.5.0.2062 [Oct 22, 2019] ALPHA
- General bug fixes and improvements.

v6.5.0.2035 [Oct 17, 2019] ALPHA
- General bug fixes.

v6.5.0.2021 [Oct 15, 2019] ALPHA
- Major improvements and updates.
- Lot of bug fixes.

v6.4.0 [build 1819, Aug 19, 2019] ALPHA
- General bug fixes.

v6.4.0 [build 1805, Aug 14, 2019] ALPHA
+ Various features.
- General bug fixes.

v6.3.0 [build 1696, Jul 22, 2019] ALPHA
+ Various features.
* Android: redesigned UI.
- General bug fixes.

v6.2.0 [build 1533, Jun 4, 2019] ALPHA
- General bug fixes.

v6.2.0 [build 1526, May 31, 2019] ALPHA
+ YouTube support.
+ Various features.
- General bug fixes.

v6.1.0 [build 1320, Mar 29, 2019] ALPHA
+ Minor interface improvements.
- General bug fixes.

v6.1.0 [build 1291, Mar 23, 2019] ALPHA
- General bug fixes.

v6.1.0 [build 1284, Mar 21, 2019] ALPHA
+ Linux version.
+ Torrents.
+ Various features.
- General bug fixes.

v6.0.0 [build 840, Oct 30, 2018] ALPHA
+ Windows and Mac OS X versions.
- General bug fixes.

v6.0.0 [build 559, Sep 7, 2018] ALPHA
+ Android version. First release.


Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 5:25 am
by Trance
Great for a first version.
Tried the OS X version. Works very well.
Only real essential issue that I could see in very brief testing:

1 - Automatically remove deleted files from download list is missing.
2 - The Delete action options don't work if you select only remove from list always deletes the file, regarding 1, if you clear the downloads list manually it will trash your downloads.


Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 6:11 am
by Alex
Trance wrote:2 - The Delete action options don't work if you select only remove from list always deletes the file

Thanks for the report! For now, you can use the context menu instead (right mouse button click on a download). It works as expected.


Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 7:33 am
by hajj_3
do you plan on open sourcing it as FDM 5.x has been very buggy, it would be helpful if people could help you fix bugs.


Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 8:56 am
by Atester
So when you finish the core develop work of FDM 6, could you please extract the strings need to be localized as soon as possible? It will be a good thing for beta users to use localized beta versions.


Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:54 am
by undermind
As a suggestion, I hope there will be a dark theme for Android.


Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 1:49 pm
by flagpole
undermind wrote:As a suggestion, I hope there will be a dark theme for Android.

Tru dat


Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 8:32 pm
You asked for suggestions in your announcement so I thought I'd post them here. I haven't installed the Android version yet so I don't know what features it has but I currently use FDM on Windows.
The most important feature for me is to be able to schedule downloads. I live in a rural area and have metered internet. I have a larger data allowance at night. Additionally, my internet is slow so it is nearly impossible to enjoy an online video real-time.
I currently use an Nvidia Shield TV box to view downloaded videos so it would be very useful to be able to schedule video downloads (including YouTube videos) directly from the Shield.
It would also be useful to have an option to automatically download new videos when they are posted to a YouTube channel.
And it would be great to have an Android TV version so it could be navigated with a remote control.


Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 9:27 pm
I don't understand the purpose of 6.0 version, if the same UI of 5.x but looks like an early development Branch of 5.1, it lacks most of the features of 3.x.x and also it lacks the features from 5.x.


Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 9:47 pm
by Usher
Currently FDM 6 is about half of FDM 5.1 - it comes with QT Framework but without Chromium Embedded Framework.


Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 10:26 pm
by robertschv
hey, when will be release the linux version? I am so happy that it will be one :D


Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 2:25 pm
by Renz1er
Came back to the forum after more than a year. Was excited to see a version 6. Unfortunately, so far the 6.0 has not impressed me in any way. I do get you guys had to do a lot of things to create the new version. Furthermore, I do have to agree with MELERIX.

Other than the lower download size and overall file space size, it eats similar ram and power when active and idle and has similar UI, minus 50% features.


Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 5:03 pm
by johnlgalt

Great news. I've been hanging on to FDM 5.1.34 build 6924 on my Windows computer because of the broken server time for downloaded files feature in subsequent builds (last I checked was in .. July? August?). It's good to see that the dev team is still working on streamlining the app and making it available on more platforms.

A couple of quick questions:

1) Is it able to be installed *and run* concurrently with FDM 5 / 3?

2) I noticed that you've already stated that it lacks many features, so I won't be a moron and complain about it not having Feature X or Y that I really like - but I would like to know, is there a working set of features that you're (currently) planning on incorporating?

3) Are you going to start a new 'Vote for FDM 6 Features" thread similar to the one for FDM 5, or are you simply going to refer to the same thread and expand it to include FDM 6?[/list]

I think that is all for now - If I think of anything, I'll post back.

(Argh - just noticed that the list tags don't seem to work when viewing in Firefox Nightly - manually added numbers and indent (which is still stripped out lol) to my questions)


Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:19 am
by Alex
johnlgalt wrote:1) Is it able to be installed *and run* concurrently with FDM 5 / 3?

johnlgalt wrote:is there a working set of features that you're (currently) planning on incorporating?

All I can say for now, is that the next update should (at minimum) bring Torrents support, "Use server time for file creaion" setting.
johnlgalt wrote:3) Are you going to start a new 'Vote for FDM 6 Features" thread

We have no plans for this currently.


Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 1:40 pm
by Alex
robertschv wrote:hey, when will be release the linux version?

Sorry, I can't say exactly, but we're working on it.