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Your favorite FDM3 features in newest FDM6 versions

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Clive Sorensson
FDM Team
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Re: Your favorite FDM3 features in newest FDM6 versions

Postby Clive Sorensson » Thu Apr 09, 2020 4:33 am

ingrid919 wrote:Cover of vedio downloaded simultaneously: get the cover of the vedio for youtube----The cover shows in the downloading list but we can't find it in the download loaction, so if the cover picture can be downloaded with the vedio together it will be so useful! Thank you!

Interesting idea, thanks.

Re: Your favorite FDM3 features in newest FDM6 versions

Postby Guest » Tue Apr 14, 2020 10:04 am

manzing wrote:Hello

I tested 6.6 yesterday as i configured a new PC but had to revert to 3.9.7.
6.6 version seemed to be "empty" for me, i even didn't find a way to set default download folder (i guess the problem is my eyes, as this is the very first mandatory setting).
This is a beta so maybe it is normal.

What prevent me to update : No download windows, allowing to manage and monitor currents downloads in one click.

Sadly, without this feature i will never use newer versions.

I can see this is not a massively voted feature so I am not very confident... :(

Can u see ?
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Re: Your favorite FDM3 features in newest FDM6 versions

Postby Screemer » Thu Apr 16, 2020 12:36 pm

Clive Sorensson wrote:
Screemer wrote:I also miss having a working firefox/waterfox extension. I really don't know if it works in 32 bit browsers now but it doesn't work in x64 browsers.

I really love FDM but can hardly use it any more. :(

Hello, could you elaborate on that?

I have installed the official extension v3.0.49 in Waterfox for FDM but all I get in it is " Loading... "
It don't seem to be able to locate FDM at all. I also get no additions to any menus or anything all I get is the litle icon for FDM that clearly isn't working at all.
It also has no settings allowing me to "help it find" FDM. Also in FDM it self when checking for Browser integration is clearly stated it can't find Firefox or Chrome, not allowing me to " help it " there either.
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Re: Your favorite FDM3 features in newest FDM6 versions

Postby BKSteve » Sat Apr 18, 2020 3:59 pm

I still use FDM3 over 5 because I can download just a *.torrent file to the location I want. Yes, just the file.
FDM5 always wants to do the torrent functions. Which I don't want, I want to use a different torrent engine.

Download All function link from page
Categories which can be set to save to different locations.

Re: Your favorite FDM3 features in newest FDM6 versions

Postby sky » Wed Apr 22, 2020 10:26 am

I want to see/control information of connections as many aspects as possible. So I'm still using FDM3.
Here are my favorite features (or characteristics) of FDM3.

1. Connection control: I can control section size, maximum number of sections, and etc. of each download or of every download.
[Settings - Downloads - New Download - Advanced - Connection tab] of FDM3.

2. Referer/UserAgent/cookie control.
[Settings - Downloads - New Download - Advanced - Protocol tab] of FDM3.

3. Many personalizable settings.
[Settings - Downloads - New Download - Advanced - Miscellaneous tab] of FDM3.
My most favorite feature within above tab is 'Set file timestamp equal to server'. It was not in FDM5/6 before 2019-01-04.

4. Detailed log: I can see detailed information of download/server/connection such as Etag, timestamp, md5 hash, and etc.
[Settings - Downloads - Essential - Detailed log] in FDM3.

5. Advanced import/export features: Not only about url list. I can even export the list of history. This is very useful when I manage MASSIVE downloads, for example, downloading 100,000 files and renaming those with 3rd tools.

6. Lite-weight.
FDM3 consists of about 100 files in 17MiB. FDM6 consists of about 900 files in 110MiB. I understand this is because of Qt framework and I must admit Qt is very useful for cross-platform development. But even though, I prefer native windows app as an Windows user.

I really appreciate you for your excellent work, both FDM3 and FDM6.
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Re: FDM3 -> FDM6 maximum number of simultanee download

Postby 55uj670v » Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:39 pm

@Clive Sorensson
do not thank me, make it possible
(so that I can use the program instead of alternatives)
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Re: FDM3 -> FDM6 Resize Window and Move Columns

Postby 55uj670v » Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:40 pm

@Clive Sorensson
obviously, I no longer use FDM for that too!
Clive Sorensson
FDM Team
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Re: FDM3 -> FDM6 Resize Window and Move Columns

Postby Clive Sorensson » Thu Apr 23, 2020 4:28 am

Thank you for the concern.
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Re: FDM3 -> FDM6 maximum number of simultanee download

Postby Usher » Thu Apr 23, 2020 12:26 pm

55uj670v wrote:a perfect example is present in the program Internet Download Accelerator
You don't need to promote paid versions of other programs (PRO on your screenshot). Similar feature is available in FDM 3.9.
Topic merged.
Andrzej P. Wozniak, FDM user and forum moderator
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Re: Your favorite FDM3 features in newest FDM6 versions

Postby jmc_v » Wed May 06, 2020 4:31 am

doanload video from browsers
make a portable version
make size smaller

Re: Your favorite FDM3 features in newest FDM6 versions

Postby meetbadi3 » Wed May 13, 2020 6:43 am

i want to have sprite window to show the download progress like in IDM ... :D :D :D
it would be help full if it shoes an end of download dialog hat allows you to drag the files to and folder...
8) 8) i like to be able to costumise mu own theme (make a theam store..) ....
i dont use IDM beacous it is suck

Re: Your favorite FDM3 features in newest FDM6 versions

Postby Guest » Wed Jun 03, 2020 7:28 pm

I just want a GPL or something like opensource for sure what I'm using to make me feel safe. :cry:

Re: Your favorite FDM3 features in newest FDM6 versions

Postby test3 » Fri Jun 19, 2020 11:52 pm

What I miss most is that it should ask if a file already exists and rename or rewrite (read: redownload) the file.
Clive Sorensson
FDM Team
Posts: 1396
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Re: Your favorite FDM3 features in newest FDM6 versions

Postby Clive Sorensson » Sat Jun 20, 2020 4:32 am

test3 wrote:What I miss most is that it should ask if a file already exists and rename or rewrite (read: redownload) the file.

Multiple options for these kinds of situations have been suggested for FDM 6.

Re: Your favorite FDM3 features in newest FDM6 versions

Postby pepe » Tue Jun 23, 2020 7:54 pm

In fact, i can't see why the authors of FDM screwed up this prog starting with ver4. It was nice and working with lots of functions, then they restarted development from scratch, V4 had sht UI as well as V6 does, the good features got removed, still no batch download option after several years, i honestly don't understand why they touched this thing at all. I guess they should have had stay in bed that very morning when they got the idea of screwing up everything.
The only positive i can say is that they made old version available.


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