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FDM 3.9.1 Release Candidate

Moderators: Usher, Alex

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Re: FDM 3.9.1 BETA

Postby Usher » Fri Dec 14, 2012 2:09 pm

Tiger.711 wrote:FDM no longer starts after the normal reboot the PC.
It's crash after starting the programm.
Uninstall latest updates from Windows Update and report problems as recommended in "How to report a bug" topic, please.
Andrzej P. Wozniak, FDM user and forum moderator
Read FDM FAQ and the reporting rules
"How to report a bug or a problem with FDM" before posting
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Re: FDM 3.9.1 BETA

Postby Tiger.711 » Fri Dec 14, 2012 3:47 pm

I already have faced with this problem before
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Re: FDM 3.9.1 BETA

Postby Alex » Fri Dec 14, 2012 5:16 pm

Tiger.711 wrote:FDM no longer starts after the normal reboot the PC.
It's crash after starting the programm.

Please archive all files from %appdata%\Free Download Manager folder and send them to bugs @
Please note that these files may contain your saved passwords.
FDM development team

Re: FDM 3.9.1 BETA

Postby lukjan » Fri Dec 14, 2012 7:59 pm

Alex wrote:
Tiger.711 wrote:FDM no longer starts after the normal reboot the PC.
It's crash after starting the programm.

Please archive all files from %appdata%\Free Download Manager folder and send them to bugs @
Please note that these files may contain your saved passwords.

when final?

Generate filename automatically doesn't work for files >2GB

Postby Mapson » Sat Dec 15, 2012 9:03 am

Firstly I just want to say thanks for releasing such a great tool on the Internet!

I have found an issue where the "Generate filename automatically" doesn't work some times, through a process of troubleshooting I determined it was for HTTP/HTTPS downloads greater than 2GB.

I have confirmed the bug exists in FDM 3.9.0 and FDM 3.9.1 Beta build 1268.

I suspect from the subject you will have a pretty good idea where the issue is.

I took a look at the latest source I could find - (on a side note I found the source pretty involved to get going without any guiding notes/documentation not to mention using old/specific library versions - don't get me wrong, it is great you release the source! If you provided 1 page of notes listing the libraries and versions used (download locations a bonus) that would have have saved me hours).
I eventually got it going well enough to identify the cause and a hackish fix to confirm I was on the right track.
Overall my build was not stable with its intergration with Firefox (I believe I was using the wrong libraries - ultimately I don't have enough free time to get a build environment going further so will provide where I got to.

In short the issue is two different modules of code is used for http downloads.
If the file turns out to be larger than 2GB, it hands over to InetFile/fsInternetFile2.cpp.

The v2 file doesn't extract the filename from the "content-disposition" header to populate the m_strSuggFileName variable.

My initial hack I did to prove I was onto a working solution, was adding code into the v2 code that would use the v1 m_strSuggFileName variable if the v2 m_strSuggFileName was NULL.

I started on a cleaner patch into a clean install (trying to get libraries sorted etc), I don't believe I finished, but include what I started on below (which is basically stealing some of your code from v1 and putting it into v2 - from memory it doesn't fully work because you need to get access to the raw headers to get access to the "content-disposition") - then again I could be wrong it may work perfectly, this was months ago!

Hopefully the above notes expedite a solution in the main product.

Thanks again for a developing such as great product,

- M

Code: Select all

Index: InetFile/fsInternetFile2.cpp
--- InetFile/fsInternetFile2.cpp   (revision 39)
+++ InetFile/fsInternetFile2.cpp   (working copy)
@@ -85,6 +85,81 @@
       m_bDoPause = TRUE;
+void fsInternetFile2::RetreiveSuggFileName()
+   m_strSuggFileName = "";
+   char sz [MAX_PATH];
+   char szFile [MAX_PATH];
+   // pull out the content-disposition line from m_strHttpHeader
+   LPCSTR psz = fsStrStrNoCase (m_strHttpHeader, "content-disposition");
+   if (psz == NULL)
+      return;
+//   if (FALSE == HttpQueryInfo (m_hFile, HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_DISPOSITION, sz, &dwFL, NULL))
+//      return;
+   LPCSTR psz = fsStrStrNoCase (sz, "filename");
+   if (psz == NULL)
+      return;
+   psz += 8;   
+   while (*psz == ' ')
+      psz++;
+   bool bCharset = false;
+   if (*psz == '*')
+   {
+      bCharset = true;
+      psz++;
+   }
+   if (*psz++ != '=')
+      return;
+   while (*psz == ' ') psz++;
+   BOOL bInvComms = FALSE;
+   if  (*psz == '"' || *psz == '\'')
+   {
+      bInvComms = TRUE;
+      psz++;
+   }
+   LPSTR pszFile = szFile;
+   while (*psz != ';' && *psz != 0)
+      *pszFile++ = *psz++;   
+   if (bInvComms)   
+      *(pszFile-1) = 0;   
+   else
+      *pszFile = 0;
+   if (bCharset)
+   {
+      LPCSTR psz = strstr (szFile, "''");
+      if (psz != NULL)
+      {
+         if (strnicmp (szFile, "utf-8", 5) == 0)
+         {
+            wchar_t wsz [MAX_PATH];
+            MultiByteToWideChar (CP_UTF8, 0, psz+2, -1, wsz, MAX_PATH);
+            WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP, 0, wsz, -1, szFile, MAX_PATH, "_", NULL);
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            lstrcpy (szFile, psz+2);
+         }         
+      }
+   }
+   m_strSuggFileName = szFile;
 fsInternetResult fsInternetFile2::StartDownloading()
    if (m_bDownloading == false)
@@ -115,6 +190,11 @@
       if (m_strHttpHeader.IsEmpty () == FALSE)
          Dialog (IFDD_FROMSERVER, m_strHttpHeader);
+      if (m_strHttpHeader.IsEmpty () == FALSE){
+         // MG HACK to get the suggested filename filename from the header
+         RetreiveSuggFileName();
+      }
       return m_irLastError;
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Re: FDM 3.9.1 BETA

Postby Tiger.711 » Sat Dec 15, 2012 12:55 pm

Alex wrote:
Tiger.711 wrote:FDM no longer starts after the normal reboot the PC.
It's crash after starting the programm.

Please archive all files from %appdata%\Free Download Manager folder and send them to bugs @
Please note that these files may contain your saved passwords.

I did this

Re: FDM 3.9.1 BETA

Postby plb7777 » Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:03 pm

Hey Alex when you lunch your new product why donot you make FDM quarterly every 3 month it will come with a new/enhance features and when do we get new look of fdm.

thank you
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Re: FDM 3.9.1 BETA

Postby PGomersall » Thu Dec 20, 2012 3:08 pm

I posted a reply in May about the add-in for IE not working with many sites while running W8. In RTM of W8 and most recent patch of IE10 most sites work and downloading seems to mainly work. One sites that FDM add-in still breaks is the DirecTV guide page again this is on IE10.

Re: FDM 3.9.1 BETA

Postby Guest » Sat Dec 22, 2012 7:44 pm

PGomersall wrote:I posted a reply in May about the add-in for IE not working with many sites while running W8. In RTM of W8 and most recent patch of IE10 most sites work and downloading seems to mainly work. One sites that FDM add-in still breaks is the DirecTV guide page again this is on IE10.

Facebook breaks with this too, among others. Something in FDM is affecting IE10 when it comes to request validation type of things.

There is a workaround for this though. After quitting FDM (not just minimized to the tray), close all IE windows (make sure all iexplore.exe is gone from the task manager), then when you re-launch IE, it'll be fine again until you run FDM. Oh, and make sure the FDM IE plugin is disabled.
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Re: FDM 3.9.1 BETA

Postby Alex » Wed Dec 26, 2012 4:48 am

3.9.1 RC build 1275 is released.

PGomersall wrote:I posted a reply in May about the add-in for IE not working with many sites while running W8. In RTM of W8 and most recent patch of IE10 most sites work and downloading seems to mainly work. One sites that FDM add-in still breaks is the DirecTV guide page again this is on IE10.

This must be fixed in 3.9.1 build 1275. Please check it.

FDM development team

Re: FDM 3.9.1 Release Candidate

Postby mohammad_amin » Wed Dec 26, 2012 10:41 am

Thanks a lot. I was very angry because of no update. There were many problems with utf-8 characters (like Persian language) in windows 8. I will try to see are they fixed or not! thanks again.

Re: FDM 3.9.1 Release Candidate

Postby lukjan » Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:27 pm

Please update the plugin for Opera 12 and new
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Re: FDM 3.9.1 Release Candidate

Postby bovirus » Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:08 am


I sent you on 05.09.2012 (to gmail fdsupport email) the italian translation for FDM.

The latest build don't include it. Please include it and rebuild the application.

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